The Nertherlands
2 brand new sportfields Durgerdam
Year: 2015
Location: Amsterdam
Country: The Nertherlands
Volume: 800 m³ expanded clay 4-8 mm
Owner Builder: Local government
Contractor: Van Es
Problem / Solution
In the past, ISA sport, the Dutch institute for Sports accommodation, has made a research on the suitability of clay aggregates in a substructure construction for sports fields. The results showed that these expanded clay aggregates (enveloped by a geotextile), are very suitable for application in sports constructions. Therefore, the local government of Durgerdam, just outside city centre of Amsterdam, opted for new sport fields with an expanded clay based substructure.
2 complete new football pitches were installed with the expanded clay substructure. An optimal drainage of the fields was requested and also obtained.
Why expanded clay?
Environmental compatibility, high permeability, total drainage capacity and thermal insulation, make expanded clay the optimum aggregate to realize perfect draining layers over concrete structures, sky garden and sport fields. Expanded clay protects the structure and the rain proof materials from severe thermal range, recreates an optimum habitat for green vegetation and offers a long reserve of water and air for plants and grass. Different layers of expanded clay, geotextile and natural soil realize a good and durable green system cover.