New deeper basin “Fredericia Marina”
Year: 2011-2014
Location: Fredericia
Country: Denmark
Volume: 1.500 m³ expanded clay 10-20 mm
Owner Builder: ADP, Associated Danish Ports A/S
Contractor: Per Aarsleff A/S
Designer: Rambøll Danmark A/S
Problem / Solution
The renovation project includes a larger and deeper harbour basin. At the same time a new pier was established including new sidewalks, access roads and new street lights. The subsoil in the area is soft soil. Expanded clay was chosen to avoid problems with settlements, stability and to reduce earth pressure towards sheet piles.
Due to optimal access to the Marina the expanded clay could be delivered in 100 m3 truckloads and tipped directly into the working space. Spreading and compacting was done with an excavator.
Why expanded clay?
The choice to use expanded clay is an effective material for this type of projects, which is also known from similar harbour projects in Denmark and around the World. Expanded clay permanently steeped in water will absorb water and over time the filling will balance with densities close to 1 kN/m3. This means a reduction in loads on the subsoil compared regular fill materials. Expanded clay are well known to both the designer and the contractor.